Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Angry Video Game Nerd

For better or worse Nintendo made up a huge part of my childhood.  We would spend hours and hours trying to beat a game, or beat each other.  For those of us of the Nintendo generation, you know exactly why watching  reviews of all those nostalgic NES games we grew up with is good fun.  And we all know there were just as many shitty games as good ones.  But we didn't discriminate, because who wanted to do anything but play Nintendo?

Alright, so the Angry Video Game Nerd is childish, and swears all the time, but so what.  Watching him play all these crappy games we all remember is a lot of fun.  He's reviewed nearly 100 games so far, you can watch them here.  All those great memories of staring at a glowing TV screen while smashing buttons like your life was depended on it, will start flooding back.  Below is his review of the game Friday the Thirteenth.  Man, I remember vividly how much this game pissed me off.  But that didn't stop me from playing it over and over and over...



  1. That was possibly my favorite review of his. Friday the 13th was BRUTAL (difficult AND it sucked). The music really gave me the creeps too.

  2. Oh man, that music haunted me too. Kinda like the Unsolved Mysteries theme ;)
