This American Life is a weekly hour-long radio show that has been produced by Chicago Public Radio since 1995, and is broadcast across the country on NPR stations. Each show centers on a theme, and then presents 2 to 5 stories on that theme produced by different journalists. Man, that sounds kinda boring, right? For reasons hard to explain, boring is probably the last descriptor anyone would have for this show. Maybe that's because of the always-unique weekly themes, or the great introductions provided by host Ira Glass, or the usually perfect music accompaniment provided as the backdrop for each story. In the end, what really sets this show apart from anything out there on TV or radio, is great storytelling. The unique and fresh views of daily life that these journalists provide help to keep this show relevant, must-hear radio.
Their latest show entitled "Kid Politics" has stories of instances when kids were asked to govern, and how they did compared to their adult counterparts. Listen Here
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