Wednesday, January 12, 2011

McSweeney's Quarterly Concern

"One of the more recognizable lines from Superman, in all it's various forms, is that guy yelling 'Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman!'  But in the moment before it's made clear that Superman is flying by, doesn't the line imply that the guy's just some weirdo screaming at people to look at birds and planes all day? "

That was one of the many fan letters published at the beginning of every issue of McSweeney's Quarterly Concern.  What is McSweeneys?  Basically it's a quarterly publication of some of the best American and international short fiction.  But what's really great about it is the creativity that is put into the theme of each issue and what the stories are actually printed on.  For example, the fall 2009 issue was an oversized full-color newspaper that had current events stories, entertainment news, comics, new fiction, all written by some of the best writers out there.

Then this last issue had the stories printed on individual mini-books stored inside a box painted like a man's head.  That's what's cool about McSweeneys; every three months you never know what you're gonna get, except some great new short stories.

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